It’s been a busy week writing outside of this space. Beginning work on my book has been looming since I wrote the flap and summary. I wrote a draft of chapter titles completed and potentially the first chapter written, which I submitted to a few outlets as an independent piece. This week, I had a class with a book editor who reviewed my proposal letter to send to potential editors who may help me get it out into the world.
It’s exciting and scary at the same time. This deep desire to connect and maybe help other parents who have children or loved ones who have struggled with mental health will happen because it’s in my heart to create it.
Here’s the book flap in case you missed it from another post:
A compassionate, heartrending memoir of a mother’s quest to accept her son’s journey through psychosis.
On Thanksgiving in 2015, 3,000 miles from home, Shelley found her son alone on the couch trapped in an endless world of inner conversations. He had suffered a psychotic break. The experience began a two-year long journey to understand what had happened and how he could be helped - at a crucial time in an adolescent’s life.
This riveting story of a mother going to war for her son, trying to protect him from stigma as she searched for the cause and treatment for his schizophrenia.
With tenderness and candor and drawing from spiritual wisdom, this compelling story expands the power of a mothers love as it reframes a mental illness and points toward the potential for recovery.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
I'm a consistent journalist with Mad in America, where I tell the important stories of caregivers and their loved ones.
I’ve been spending some time with a few educational resources you may find helpful as well:
YouTube - Living Well with Schizophrenia, where a young woman documents her experiences and is in recovery with healing food and a metabolic keto diet. I cannot wait to investigate this more as a real possibility.
Podcast - coming in June
I’ve been teaching at the hot springs hotel and spa where magic and synchronicities have been abundant. The universe has abundant messages when we get quiet enough to hear them.
I’ve been inspired to go live on Fridays on Instagram to share metta, the Pali word for loving-kindness. Check out the meditation here -
May you find inner peace and connection with your breath this week.
Thank you for being here. I’m happy for all my subscribers and 95% of my stuff is free, but I’m also happy to be paid for my work. So, when two people send me $5, that pays for a jar of tomato sauce and a box of pasta and feeds my family for one dinner. Yes, this is work I would like to get paid for because I love it, I spend a lot of time doing it. It is my purpose to be creative and to bring value to you on topics like these.