I receive a weekly email with notifications about jobs in corporate recruiting. Today, I unsubscribed and it felt like taking off a bra that was unknowingly suffocating me and I remembered to take a deep breath.
I guess you could say I had one toe in the cool pool that was my old self, knowing I could push my way back to my cloaked persona that was a recruiter. The life of corporate recruitment, which I did for over 20 years, lurked in my inbox every week sending me roles that made me feel nauseous inside.
Could I go back to staying in my lane, playing small, and only doing the job requested of me as I did as a corporate recruiter? Sure, it had its ups and downs and I remain grateful for all it provided from the skills of business, relationships, politics, traveling, and mostly monetary security. A mixed blessing, I always knew corporate wasn’t the ultimate place for me as I was redirected about five times to other roles. (a.k.a. laid off, contract ended etc.)
I haven’t worn the recruiter hat in three years now. I can now reframe what was so painful each time as a redirection instead of the victim mindset that took me so far away from the truth of who I am.
Unsubscribing to that email list was a big deal to take another step in letting go and allowing what I know deep down to be true.
The victim mindset is melting away.
This wound of not being appreciated for the talents I possessed as a valued member of an organization over and over was no longer serving me. It hadn’t been serving me for a very long time and this was the final step of letting it be healed and reframed.
The reframe: I am meant to be a creator as a writer, guide/teacher, explorer, and supporter of the most joyful kind.
I am so grateful for the move to the desert where expansion has grown and continues over the last three years. Healing that “worker bee” in me, which kept me living small and in a victim mentality, has been shifting for a while now.
If we stay in the victim mindset of events in our lives happening to us, we will not see the beauty, synchronicities, and possibilities manifesting right here and now. Everything is a lesson for reflection and growth, progressing into a more evolved human BEing, bringing each individual into the natural flow state, connected to a higher purpose and power.
Ram Dass talked about how everything is perfect as it is and the cynic in me wants to fight it. How can everything be perfect with so much pain and suffering in the world? I am still learning this lesson of the grace of seeing the beauty and pain alongside one another. The “both/and” of every single situation and every part of life.
“How can we be the change we wish to see in the world” is my mantra.
“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the Earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.” — Robin Wall Kimmerer
I have asked myself, “What should I do with my life?” over and over again for many years. The answer has changed over and over during the journey through making mistakes, listening to my inner voice, and not listening to my inner voice. That still small voice within that only speaks loud enough through becoming quiet through meditation or resting or in nature.
Who are you, reader? I want to know what are your dreams of creating and contributing to our world?
Creating with community - we all need it.
I spoke with a friend today who wants support with their passion project. Me? He wants me to help him be his accountability partner to get his project off the ground.
His projection of me is certainly not how I saw myself and it’s also helping me realize how far I have come. It’s been eight years since I’ve been chipping away at this writing creative life I’ve desired.
We all need support and a community that believes in us. I am coming up on a year since my first writing retreat with A Writing Room, where I declared, “I am a writer,” with conviction. I have found an amazing community of writers after many years of taking various classes here and there.
Check out this short video where I have a featured testimonial about A Writing Room of which I am a proud member. And if you are interested in joining this year’s retreat, here’s the link. Make sure you write my name in as the referral as I will get an acknowledgment and you can get a discount!
Possibilities are Abundant
Everything in life is a lesson for growth, progressing into a more evolved human being, and bringing you closer to your natural state of being which is joy and love. At this next level of belief in myself to earn my income and true joy through this creative life. I intend to share joy and support others in their life experiences through meditation, journaling, and intuitively manifesting.
I am pleased to share with you these new Workshops I have created for when you visit the beautiful and healing desert, or if you want to take a workshop online.